Make your brain Sharper, Smarter, Faster?

By Monday, April 11, 2016

Make your brain sharper, smarter and faster...

Follow these simple steps:
  1. Solve lots of puzzles, riddles.
  2. Play Chess. It will definitely increase your decision making much faster in crucial conditions.
  3. Play games like Sudoku, Minesweeper.
  4. Buy a Rubik's Cube and solve it on your own. Don't look up on internet for solutions. Develop your own algorithm to solve it.
  5. 7 hours of sleep is important for the brain to function properly.
  6. Morning Breakfast is important for healthier brain. Never miss it.
  7. While sleeping don't cover your nose with the bed sheet. If you cover your nose while sleeping then less oxygen is supplied to the brain which in turn damages the brain.
  8. Drink water regularly. Drink Green Tea in the mori. It increases your creativity.
  9. Exercise. Because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

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