Best way to know yourself..?

By Tuesday, March 01, 2016

This is the best way to know yourself

Travelling alone.
This, according to me would be the best way to know the real you. And why would that be?
  • Helps you realise your emotions. Remember, when you are travelling, you carry your heart with you. You carry your feelings. And not that of your roommate's, your parents', or that of your lover. When I travelled all by myself the first time, I knew how 'I' was feeling. How 'my' emotions were at that moment. It makes you aware of 'your' emotions.
  • It brings out the whole purpose of your existence. Why have you been here all this while? What are you supposed to do? Why are you doing what you are doing and not doing what you ought to do? I remember the time of my life when I was stuck in a rut and did not know how to get out of the labyrinth. Travelling made me more sure of what I am doing right now.
  • It makes you realise about the smallest of the small details about of your own self. It makes you aware of your likes and dislikes which you would have failed to recognise otherwise. In my part, It made me realise, both critical and silly stuff thaf I liked. Like, How I always have liked gypsies, the art and culture they carry along and how I always want to live like one. Like the romani tribes. And how I hate vanilla ice creams with chocolate nuts over them and will never, by all honesty eat the same.
- It makes you realise your potential. It makes you realise about how self reliant you can be. It makes you come in terms with things that demand perspective, which in turn help you become aware of your own.
Plus, writing down about yourself or noting them down in a piece of paper is only going to end up in the dustbin. If you are strong enough to work on it might help, but, try finding something concrete to discover yourself. 

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